The past and present on the edge of the Namib
November 20, 2018
Trying to unravel the secrets of the Namibian leopard
January 7, 2019

Indigenous Species and their natural distribution in Namibia

Red lechwe, Elzanne Erasmus.

Please note that game farms have not been taken into consideration. On some game-proof-fenced farms, a greater diversification and even non-indigenous species may be found. Take note that some of these species are fully protected, such as African wild dog.

  • African elephant (CITES II) – Northern Namibia
  • Black rhinoceros (CITES I) – Northern and north-western Namibia
  • Hippopotamus (CITES ll) – Zambezi Region
  • Cape buffalo – Zambezi Region
  • Giraffe – Northern Namibia
  • Hartmann’s mountain zebra (CITES II) – Escarpment and western highland
  • Burchell’s zebra – Northern Namibia
  • Greater kudu – Everywhere, except in the Namib Desert
  • Gemsbok – Widely distributed throughout the country
  • Sable antelope – Zambezi Region
  • Roan antelope – Kavango and Zambezi Region
  • Red hartebeest – Mainly eastern Namibia
  • Blue wildebeest – Patchy distribution in northern Namibia
  • Cape eland – Northern Namibia
  • Tsessebe – Kavango and Zambezi Region
  • Puku – Zambezi Region
  • Common reedbuck – Zambezi Region
  • Sitatunga – Zambezi Region
  • Waterbuck – Zambezi Region
  • Springbok – Mainly southern and western Namibia, but patchy distribution elsewhere
  • Southern impala – Zambezi Region
  • Black-faced impala (CITES) – North-western areas
  • Red lechwe (CITES II) – Zambezi Region
  • Chobe bushbuck – Zambezi Region
  • Steenbok – Throughout the country
  • Common duiker – Throughout the country, except in desert regions
  • Klipspringer – Patchy distribution in mountainous areas
  • Damara dik-dik – Northern and north-western areas
  • Oribi – Zambezi Region
Leopard caught in trap, Dirk Heinrich, HuntiNamibia 2017
Leopard, Dirk Heinrich, HuntiNamibia 2017.
  • Sharpe’s grysbok – Zambezi Region
  • Warthog – Widely distributed in northern and eastern parts
  • Bushpig – Zambezi Region
  • Lion – Northern Namibia
  • Leopard (CITES I) – Throughout the country, except in the Namib proper
  • Cheetah (CITES I)–Central and northern Namibia
  • Caracal (CITES II) – Throughout the country, except in the Namib proper
  • Spotted hyaena – Mainly north-eastern parts
  • Brown hyaena – Western desert regions and north-east
  • African wild dog – North-east
  • Black-backed jackal – Throughout the country
  • Side-striped jackal – Far north-eastern areas
  • Cape fox – Widespread on sandy soils
  • Crocodile (CITES I)–Northern perennial rivers
  • Chacma baboon (CITES II) – Virtually throughout the country
  • White rhinoceros (CITES I) – Only in parks and reserves
  • Small spotted cat (CITES I) – Central and southern Namibia