Last day eland

| Main photo ©Mike Krafft It was the last day of the hunt. It had been a good hunt for Jean Luis from New Caledonia and
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The Tsumkwe bull

| Main photo ©Felix Marnewecke The 2014 rainy season in the Nyae Nyae conservancy in north-eastern Namibia had been exceptional. All the pans were overflowing. None
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Nature’s ultimate hunter

| Main photo ©Jurgen Schlettwein Herbivores as well as carnivores are descended from insect eating ancestors which evolved some 65 million years ago, soon after dinosaurs
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My favourite quarry

| Main photo ©Jacques Strauss Lightning cracked across the sky and steely-black storm clouds gathered over Namibia’s hills. A steady wind froze my cheeks stiff. Inside,
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